Ференц Лист. Том I. Учебное пособие для СПО

67.41 €
Монография о Ференце Листе — капитальное исследование жизни и творчества великого венгерского композитора и пианиста. Издание выходит в двух томах. Первый том содержит биографию и характеристику творчества Ф. Листа, второй том — анализ его пианистического искусства и педагогических принципов, а также обширный справочный аппарат.
Книга рассчитана на музыкантов-профессионалов и любителей музыки.
The monograph about Ferencz Liszt is a thorough research of the life and work of the great Hungarian composer and pianist. The publication is published in two volumes. The first volume contains the biography and characteristics of F. Liszt’s work, the second volume is an analysis of his pianistic art and pedagogical principles, as well as an extensive reference tool.
The book is designed for musicians-professionals and music lovers.
Книга рассчитана на музыкантов-профессионалов и любителей музыки.
The monograph about Ferencz Liszt is a thorough research of the life and work of the great Hungarian composer and pianist. The publication is published in two volumes. The first volume contains the biography and characteristics of F. Liszt’s work, the second volume is an analysis of his pianistic art and pedagogical principles, as well as an extensive reference tool.
The book is designed for musicians-professionals and music lovers.
12.79 €